How To Offer Effective Help To Women on Pregnancy Bedrest

Give InKind is proud to feature Dr. Maureen Terranova, an OB-GYN.

Many women who are put on bedrest vividly remember people remarking about how much they themselves would like to receive orders to rest in bed. Ask a woman who has actually been on bedrest and the response is the same – not so.

I will preface this article by stating that this topic is personal to me. I myself was on bedrest (both home and hospital) over the course of two separate pregnancies. Bedrest can take the joy of pregnancy away. If you are someone who enjoys being pregnant and out in public sharing it with others, bedrest changes this experience.

Remember that pregnancy complications, no matter the degree of precaution are stressful.

While these comments are absolutely well intended, they do little to validate the experience of the (often scared) and now high-risk patient.

At that moment, patients universally report orders of bedrest to be the very last thing they want.

Bedrest can be made better – but nothing about it is relaxing.

This is where a loving community can have real impact.

For those who want to offer effective support, begin by considering the individual circumstances of the woman in question.

For example, does she have other children? If so, consider ways to provide logistical support for these children.

For example, rides to school and to extracurricular activities are helpful. Think very carefully about what you would want people to do for you in a similar circumstance. For example, on the way to a parent open house where parents will be asked to leave notes to their children, go via the home of the woman on bedrest who can’t go – and give her the chance to write a card too and then deliver it to school.

Said Crystal Campbell Carolan who was on bedrest for portions of both her first and second pregnancies:

“The first was so much easier because I was not trying to parent from bed. I did a lot of television watching and cross-stitched a wall hanging for the baby’s room. Prepared meals I could microwave were great. Company was always a welcome distraction. People who came over to cook and clean were heaven sent. With my second pregnancy I did a lot of crafts, puzzles, and reading with my toddler. Someone to do laundry was a huge help and grocery shopping too. Sometimes family took our toddler out for the day, and that definitely helped. My husband was gone from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. so all the help I could get, I readily accepted.”

If the woman in question does not have older children, consider the impact of this circumstance on her life just the same. Is she likely to lose income from work? How can a community mitigate the financial impact of loss of income and/or unanticipated expenses from bedrest?

Women who are confined to bed incur expenses because they cannot do laundry, drive, cook, clean and these tasks will necessarily fall to a partner who may be working. These facts only add to an already stressful and uncertain situation.

If she is a single mom, she needs her community to step in. Some women may be able to work remotely – but this depends upon their individual professional situations.

There are physical considerations, as well, that are associated with bedrest. A lack of movement can lead to muscle stiffness. Bodies aren’t made to stay in bed all the time. In consultation with your doctor, a medical masseuse certified in light touch massage might be an option. (No masseuse would or should give a massage to a woman in the midst of a high risk pregnancy without conferring with the treating physician, but if expectations are set and medically cleared, a light touch regime/pregnancy massage might provide some relief).

In addition, constipation is common on women on bedrest and can be very painful. Providing sliced fruit can help, bran cereals, and herbal tea may be helpful in this regard.

Some women are allowed extremely limited ability to walk around for a very short period in a day. This means that they must be strategic in their trip from bed to the living room couch. A broad-bottomed basket to carry things to be helpful. If you left something in the other room, or you could not carry everything at once – you can’t have it.

The combination of the stress of pregnancy complications generally, as well as the real world impact of the bedrest itself, puts women at higher risk of anxiety and depression. A lack of agency is often disempowering. One feels disempowered and scared. I was afraid of showing the world I could not do it all.

Women report feelings of isolation, helplessness, and a clanging uncertainty about what will happen.

Those wishing to offer support can coordinate meals. (Using distance giving, donors can now provide food delivery from any number of options. If bedrest is strict, remember to coordinate for someone to be there to receive the food when it is delivered).

Said Karen Salisbury Hatter who was on bedrest for 16 weeks:

“Best food – cup up fruit – melons especially. [This is] something you cannot do on bedrest. I enjoyed visitors and they all seemed to bring me pretty pajamas. I also got my hair cut/blow dried and a pedicure once while on bedrest. It’s a tough mental game, but you can do it.”

Provide a laundry service and come to change her sheets. High thread count, indulgent sheets with ample pillows of her preference.

It is invaluable to let her know that you are considering the stress she is under, rather than searching for silver linings. Resist the impulse to offer platitudes. Help her break it down. Remind her that her community is here to offer meaningful and sustained support.


Helping Those in The Path of Hurricane Florence to Evacuate Safely

Hurricane Florence is expected to make landfall on the Southeast Coast of the United States in the coming days. Although it’s path is, as yet, not fully determined, Florence is currently projected to hit the Carolinas, Virginia and Maryland especially hard. Record winds are expected to cause widespread property damage. Epic rainfall amounts of up to forty inches are expected to cause massive inland flooding. At the time of writing, millions are under mandatory evacuation orders.

Those residents who are currently evacuating will need assistance in the short-term. Their journey is likely to be congested, stressful, and full of unanticipated expenses. They may need items urgently. Things like food, fuel, and lodging become critical.

Those who evacuate, may forget key items. For this reason, sending gift cards to box stores allows for families to purchase supplies left behind in haste. These can include necessary drugstore supplies, clothing, and more.

Says Give InKind founder Laura Malcolm:

“It is easy to feel helpless in an emergency. But there is always something to be done to provide support, even when we are far away. We want to empower anyone to help, from anywhere.”

Give InKind spoke with Lori Mullins Ennis, a coastal resident who is a veteran of many hurricanes. She underscores the immense power of community.

“Community assistance is imperative. The aftermath on coastal communities is often worse than the hurricane itself. The world sort of moves on as the storm moves away … but flooding is such a big issue for days and weeks after. People are just desperate to get back to their homes and salvage what they can. Giving and service make such a difference.”

Evacuees in temporary housing may have need of shelter. Depending upon the state of their homes, they may be more comfortable in hotels. Underwriting the cost of staying in a hotel is a generous gift, indeed.

Pet care offers specials challenges as well and providing assistance in this regard is invaluable. (Certain chain stores, such as Petco, may offer boarding in some regions).

Gift certificates to restaurants are also useful for families on the move.

Keep in mind that many gift cards can be digitally scanned and are therefore useful on the road.

Above all, stay in touch. Depending upon the power grid and wireless networks, service may be spotty. Still, efforts to stay in touch are a great gift to those in need of temporary assistance. Reaching out can lift people up and out of the frustration and devastation these storms so often deliver.

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