7 Gifts for Women on Home Bed Rest

Women who are put on bed rest at home during pregnancy face multiple challenges. In some ways, the challenges offered in a home are amplified because it is hard to feel powerless in one’s surroundings.

The challenges vary depending on several factors, including whether there were older siblings in need of care, and the availability of nearby family to check-in regularly. These are the top seven gifts culled from the course of the interviews we conducted with women who made it through home bed rest.

TIP: Other things women on bed rest appreciate are texts to check in, phone calls, and offers of logistical help for errands. Remember that the woman you are supporting may be feeling anxious and disempowered.  Your presence is present enough.

Lastly, keep in mind that no matter how much a “precaution” bed rest may be, it does suggest real medical concern.

Pause. Listen. Learn. Share.

Like many of you, these last few weeks have been one of great reflection. Of taking a step back, a moment to listen (really listen) and to hold space for so many that are hurting. My community, my friends, my team.

Also like so many of you, I am a parent. My little boys are two and five. They love to ride bikes in our neighborhood, they run away from me when I ask them to come closer, they sit in the car and pretend to drive. Sometimes I sit in the yard and watch them, and sometimes I cook dinner inside. I feel safe with them playing outside. If they went running down the street, out of my line of sight, a neighbor would scoop them up and bring them home. That is a privilege my children have. I know what it feels like to lose a child, and I worry every day about something happening to my children. But I do not ever have to worry that I will lose one of my children because of the color of their skin. That is a privilege that I have, and one that I wish was afforded to every mother on this planet. But it’s not.

If you’ve ever had a five year old, you know that fairness is everything. So now we talk a lot about fairness. And how as a society, we haven’t been fair. How we haven’t treated everyone with the kindness that we expect others to treat us with. And what we can do to try and be better – be more fair, be more kind.

Black lives matter. The lives of Black mothers and fathers and children matter. In the last two weeks, we have paused sharing any of our own content, instead using our social media channels to amplify the voices in our community that need our support right now. We care deeply for our Black neighbors, friends, family and community members, and support is in our DNA. This is just one way we know how to be supportive, and we are committed to learning and sharing more ways we can do our part, to be more fair, be more kind.

We see you, we hear you, we’re listening, and we love you.

With love,
Give InKind Founder/CEO

Give InKind June 2020 Updates

You may have noticed a few improvements to Give InKind over the past couple of months. Our team’s growth has enabled us to continue to support our users while improving your experience along the way. Here’s what we’ve been working on to make giving and receiving support even easier:

User Updates: Our most requested new feature is LIVE. It’s the easiest way to keep your community up to date along your journey, share new requests or changes to needs, or message all of your Supporters at once. Plus, add up to 3 photos or video to each update! Learn more here.

Page Organizer Email Notifications: Page Organizers can now turn off email transaction notifications in Page Settings by unchecking the “Email” box next to their name (Note: Newsletter and other communication excluded). Learn more here.

Invite a New Page Organizer: You can now invite someone to be a page organizer directly through Page Settings on Give InKind. Simply add their email address and they’ll receive an email invitation asking them to join. By clicking the invite link and following the prompts to finish registering, they will automatically be added as a Page Organizer. Learn more here

Supporter/Page Organizer Email Communication: Supporters can now hit Reply on the Claim and Reminder emails to communicate directly with the Page Owners.

Calendar Meal Default Times: Breakfast delivery times will now automatically default to 8:00 am to 9:00 am, Lunch delivery times will default to 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, and Dinner delivery times will default to 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. This will help save Page Organizers’ time when setting up meals in their Care Calendars. Learn more here.

Invite the Page Recipient to be a Page Organizer: When you are creating a new Give InKind page, after you enter the recipient’s email, you are asked if we should invite the recipient to be an organizer. By checking the box, they will automatically receive an email invitation asking them to join. By clicking the invite link and following the prompts to finish registering, they will automatically be added as an organizer to the page. Learn more here

Reset Password Improvement: We heard you – resetting your password could be a pain. We made it easier for you, so you don’t have to fear getting locked out again! Users no longer need to confirm their account before resetting their password. Learn more here.


In Case You Missed It

Profile Improvements: Your Profile is updated with more details about your Pages and Claims. You will find all of the information you need about your upcoming and past claims, as well as easier access to your profile settings. 

Care Packages: We have been blown away by how many of you have sent our gift boxes to frontline teams. We want you to know that for every box that has been sent to a hospital, we have completely customized what’s inside and packed it full of hand cream, energy bars, chocolate, coffee, tea and other items to thank and support those that are working so tirelessly. We are excited that you are now able to send these care packages to be sent to any frontline team – order here.

“Read More” Sections are No More: You can now see the About and Special Notes sections in their entirety without having to click “Read More” so that all of the information is easily seen.


Sneak Peek

We are so excited to have completely overhauled food ordering and gift card purchasing experiences in the works for you. We know how hard it can be to send the support you want to, and we’re making it so much easier. Be on the lookout for big announcements in the coming weeks!